Join us for sharing, fun, excitement and camaraderie.
And yeah...we'll even help you turn a wrench!
Arizona's Oldest MOPAR Car Club
Instructions for iPad users:
How to fill out, save and email your H.E.M.I. Show registration form.
-Make sure you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your iPad
-Use Safari to access our website at https://www.moparsaz.com and bring up the registration form
-save the form to your iPad
-Open Adobe Acrobat Reader then open saved registration form
-Form filling is now available to complete the form
-Note that total at bottom will not show total which is OK as long as you
have entered a dollar amount on the item you are purchasing
-Once form completed you can select the icon to save to cloud which creates
a link similar to this:
The new link brings up a pdf for your completed form.
-Copy and paste the new link into an email and send to hemishowreg@gmail.com
- Registration fees can be paid by either:
(A) MAIL a check for the total amount due to the the address on the form.
(B) ONLINE through PayPal by using the pulldown menu below.
We look forward to seeing you and your MOPAR at our show!